So it didn't take me very long to pick an issue that I am passionate about to work on for my service project. The way that $$ limits education for many people is sooo detrimental to our country for countless reasons. Having to work all the way through college is a great way to stay busy but takes away time & energy from studying. You can not truly dedicate yourself to one thing which many times means you can not reach your full potential in either school or work. Hard work is essential for everyone but struggling to get a college education is unfair & harmful to our country.

- Justin Warren
Great Service Project!!! I agree, it is very difficult to work full-time and go to school at night, may be 3 classes at a time during the fall & spring semesters -- then take a class for each summer session and sometimes a class during the winter I am there. I live it every day and have for the past 10 years (this June). I find it very difficult to time manage sometimes and it very difficult to always answer - "I can't go, I have home work" weekends are dedicated to home work .... I am luck to have family that understands but they loose out too....the years don't stop, memories keep building and I am not always part of them ... so it hurts....but education is key ... and I will endure!!